Monday, March 2, 2015

Web 3.0

Web 3.0 (also known as semantic web) is a topic or discussion where the web content is able to reach a large amount of people. Social media plays a huge role in Web 3.0 because it's information spans on  a social level that reaches the public such as Google. Recently, there was a debate amongst social media that started on a Web 2.0 level with the debate if a women's dress was Blue and Black as her eyes saw the dress or White and Gold as her boyfriend saw the dress. This expanded through social media and reached to become a phenomena of the day. But how does Web 2.0 reach a 3.0 level?
Web 2.0 is simular to bringing a dish to the dinner table. One user will post something or a topic (like a post on Facebook) and others within the user's span (such as their friends on their page) will comment to interact on a social level in media. When a topic becomes popular amongst it's peeps as people spread the word, the subject soon becomes the talk of the day from a media standpoint. This isn't the first time a Web 3.0 has converge through media to remain as a social level. This past summer the "Ice Bucket Challenge" in association with ALS disease reached a social level which started as a Web 2.0 but has now been branded in social media permanently within a Web 3.0 level which has it's own website sponsored by ALS. While the recurring trend of Web 2.0 becoming Web 3.0 seems unlikely because it's the though of a "genie in a bottle" that comes at random, we can't ignore that Web 3.0 plays a huge role in social media.

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